The fairies of the Thicket are full of mischief and simple magic. Some have wings, some don't. Some live in villages, some live as hermits. They are borrower creatures, living within a world dominated by the human imprint but they've learned to adapt around us. The fairies living within Small Thicket use human artifacts to build their homes, adorn their clothing, and learn from.
The distinguishing features of fairies is their generally humanoid appearance. They have elongated ears and nose and teeny tiny stature and live among the animals and insects of the forest. Their skin and hair can be any color found in nature.
While the fairies find the humans interesting and enjoy learning about them they are not kindred creatures. The fairies are wild and will happily turn your hair to worms if you upset them.
While we have plenty of insects within our world, the insect inhabitants of the Thicket are much more varied and special. Some insects sings, others glitter like starlight, and some are so colorful they defy imagination. I've documented many species of insects so far but I'm certain there are many more out there hiding under the rocks and leaves. The insects of the Thicket have a deep relationship built with the fairy and flora-kin. They are companions, pets, friends, mounts, and more.
Additionally, ants and other insects don’t seem to speak fairy language, they speak their own chirpy squiggly little language but this isn’t an issue as fairies seem to speak it fluently. It’s the same way you understand what your pet wants or says when they are grumbling or chirping or wagging their antennae
Ants were one of the first creatures I discovered in Small Thicket beyond fairies which always amuses me since they are one of the tiniest. I have found so many different varieties in every color of the rainbow, it’s astounding.
Insects have many different roles in the village though because of their size ants are usually pets or companions. Many ants live inside the homes of fairies or have connecting tunnels between theirs and others. Fairies share their meals and the ants share any goodies they find while out exploring.
Not quite plant and not quite fairy, they are the in between creatures.